Friday, May 22, 2020

The Cycle Of Communication By Michael Argyle - 1562 Words

This assignment will start by discussing two well-known theories known as ‘the cycle of communication’ by Michael Argyle and ‘the stages of communication’ by Bruce Tuckman. Firstly, it will look at Michael Argyle’s ‘The cycle of communication’. The ‘Communication cycle’ is a frequently used theory of communication. It was originally established by Charles Berners in 1965. In 1967, a man named Michael Argyle claimed that human communication is essentially a two-way process that involves people sending, and responding to each other’s verbal and non-verbal messages. It was then improved in 1972 by Argyle’s. The model of the ‘communication cycle’ makes it apparent that to ensure effective communication, it has to be a two-way process. As well as transmitting messages to others in a precise way, health care professions must be able to react to both verbal and non-verbal feedback. Therefore, operational communication has to involve determination from both sides in the communication cycle. The ‘communication cycle’ has six stages. Stage one is when an idea occurs. This means that the sender has to think and assess the circumstances that they are placed in before they start to communicate. The sender transmitting the message needs to think about what and how they are trying to say the message. For example, in a doctor’s surgery, an idea will occur as the practitioner thinks about how he/she will communicate with the current patient. This allows him to communicate moreShow MoreRelatedUnit 1 - P2 Argyle Tuckmans Theories of Communication778 Words   |  4 PagesThis assignment will discuss two well known theories of effective communication. Firstly it will look at Michael Argyle (1972), the cycle of communication and then it will discuss Bruce Tuckman (1965) stages of communication. Michael Argyle (1972) looks at the cycle of communication which involves six stages this is about sending receiving and the decoding of messages between individual and also groups. 1. An ideas occurs – when one has thought of an idea that they want to express with anotherRead MoreCommunication Cycle1446 Words   |  6 Pages 10-12-2012 P1-P2Explain the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health and social care context. M1 Group communication In groups’ communication there are different people, some of them may like to talk a lot or be shy to talk. To make a group communication working everyone needs to be involved, and have some rules such a as when someone is talking no one is talking and everyone shouldRead MoreBruce Tuckman and Michael Argyle812 Words   |  4 PagesTheories of communication Bruce Tuckman Bruce Tuckman has a theory which contains of four stages; these are forming, storming, norming and performing. His theory is about group development. The first stage is forming, this is when a group is reliant on one particular leader, if the leader is not there and someone else tries to take charge then the confusion starts. The leader makes sure every individual is aware of their role, if the leader does not make them aware, then their roles andRead MoreUnderstanding The Complexity Of Human Cooperation Essay1708 Words   |  7 Pagesgroup. Determining what factors cause dilemmas in human cooperation or in some instances leading to competition. Comparing and/or contrasting already existing research and arguments from a psychological perspective pertaining to this form of human communication. Considering different psychological reasoning’s as to how cooperation is beneficial to the individuals involved any why it is not done when the time it is needed. These studies bring pos sible societal and personal insight on cooperation; how inRead MoreUnit: 1 P1,P2 M11498 Words   |  6 PagesP1- Explaining the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health and social care context. Effective communication is way in which people communicate towards each other. There are wide ranges of ways that communication can take place for example one to one conversations, group conversations. This can either be informal or formal depending on the individual’s outcome. An example of effective communication that can take place in a health and social care setting is a hospitalRead MoreThe Role Of Effective Communication And Interpersonal Interaction Within A Health And Social Care Context?1702 Words   |  7 PagesP1) Explain the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health and social care context? Communication is the process of exchanging information, thoughts and feelings between people, through speaking, writing or body language. Effective communication is about more than just exchanging information. This concept makes sure that the transmitted message is received and understood by the other person in the exact way it was intended. However the other person has to demonstrateRead MoreEssay about Unit 1-Assignment 2 Health Social Care3185 Words   |  13 Pagesdeveloping Effective Communication in Health and Social Care. In order to achieve, I will explain the role of Effective communication and Interpersonal Reaction in a Health and Social Care setting context. I will also discuss theories of communication such as Formal and Informal communication. In order to have good communication skills it is important to understand the effectiveness of communication and interaction formed between people. Explain the role of Effective Communication and InterpersonalRead MoreStrategies Used to Overcome Barriers to Communication1739 Words   |  7 PagesTask 2- P4, M2 D1 Strategies Used to Overcome Barriers to Communication P4 Pick two examples from placement experience that may have been mentioned in the first task. Examples should deal with situations where you or another worker were faced with barriers to effective communication. Explain the strategy used to overcome the barriers met. A strategy is a plan of how things are intended to be done. You may not have done what was intended to the full. Explain your intentions as well as what actuallyRead MoreCommunication And A Health And Social Care Settings3769 Words   |  16 Pagesthe factors which can impact upon effective communication and interpersonal interaction and discuss the importance of communication in a health and social care settings. I will outline different theories of communication and link these theories to communication and its effectiveness. Whilst doing my interactions I realised how different communication and the transmission of values can be in different work contexts within a care setting. Communication is a process that involves the exchange of informationRead MoreP2: Discuss Theories of Communication Essay examples1999 Words   |  8 PagesP2: Discuss theories of communication. Part A The communication cycle is a commonly used theory of communication. It was first developed by Charles Berner in 1965; it was then modified by Michael Argyle, who was a social psychologist, in 1972. The concept of a ‘communication cycle’ makes it clear that, in order to have effective communication, it must be a two way process. As well as transferring messages to others in a definite, clear way, health care professionals must be able to respond to the

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Graduation Speech My Writing - 1056 Words

Over the course of the semester, my writing has improved tremendously. I used to be very scared of writing and hated the idea of sharing my writing or thoughts with anybody. I used to never go to teachers, friends, or my parents for help because I was embarrassed of my writing and did not want them to read it. This semester I worked harder to get past this and gain more confidence in my writing. Now I have developed a solid pre-writing process that has helped me develop more organized essays and become less scared of writing. Last semester, and the beginning of this semester, I hated that I had to take a writing class. I did not like writing in high school, and I did my best to do as little as possible and still get by. The last research and formal writing I did before last semester was my sophomore year writing class. It was a joke. After that I took AP Literature, and my senior year I was a centerspread editor for the school newspaper. In AP Lit we did not have to write out of clas s essays. When we had to write, we did a 50 minute in class essay to help us prepare for the AP exam. Therefore, I learned how to write fast, but I did not learn how to prewrite, do research, or incorporate quotes well. I did not do a lot of writing in my newspaper class because I spent the majority of my time designing spreads and very little of my time writing quick and short online articles. I hated writing all of high school and especially hated it when I had to jump back into academicShow MoreRelatedGraduation Speech : My Writing1181 Words   |  5 Pagesin highschool. I usually love learning but this year I don’t have very good teachers so I haven’t been trying very hard in my classes; obviously I want good grades but nothing is interesting so I get distracted very easily and miss what the teacher says. When I was in my least favorite class, language arts, on Wednesday we got assigned another essay. I had this class with my best friend, Kayley, and we usually did the essays together but last week we got in trouble and can’t do that anymore. TheRead MoreGraduation Speech : My Writing1565 Words   |  7 Pagesto improve my writing. My writing drastically improved from high school to college and will continue to change in the expanse of the semester and the remainder of my college career. Through the feedback of Professor Valley and my Writing Fellow, Emily, I have improved in my writing through including more specific details, stronger vocabulary, improved organization, and being able to better identify problems in my own writing. Before entering college, I was completely new to writing papers. I knewRead MoreGraduation Speech : My Writing Skills943 Words   |  4 Pagesand my writing skills have truly improved tremendously. Taking this class has helped me become a better writer and has helped my grammar grow extremely. Another thing that I have gained in this class is stronger sense of vocabulary words. While writing these papers I have learned the variety of different papers there are. I have learned how to write these papers for future purposes so I will be successful in the long run. My goals as an improving writer are to become more creative and use my skillsRead Moremaya Angelou Graduation1259 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿09/19/2014 Maya Angelou - Graduation Graduation is an important transition time in every person’s life. It is about moving on to something better and more important and to use your knowledge to achieve life goals. This is what the children attending the grammar school believed as well, including Maya Angelou. Given from her point of view, the story Graduation has ethos because as an African American girl, she shared the same thoughts and feelings as everyone standing on the stage or inRead MoreGraduation Speech By Maya Angelou1566 Words   |  7 PagesFebruary 18, 2016 Graduation Graduation is a ceremony that almost every single person is familiar with, thus building the connection of the reader. Graduation is an important transition in one’s life. It represents an accomplishment and signifies moving on to something better, more important and the pathway to use one’s knowledge to achieve one’s life goals. It calls for a celebration along with a grand commencement among family, friends, and peers. Maya Angelou’s, â€Å"Graduation†, is about a youngRead MoreMy Writing Style And Writing890 Words   |  4 PagesWriting was never a known weakness of mine. However, I could never confidently call it a strength. Throughout the course of this semester, my writing style has evolved and I have rid my writing of many habitual mistakes. I have learned to appreciate writing much more, and enjoy the moments where my mind meets words on a paper. Creativity has always been one of my strong suits, but through this course I catered my crea tivity to compose a variety of essays and speeches. Likewise, public speaking isRead MoreMy Speech - Original Writing975 Words   |  4 PagesWhen I began writing my commencement speech I knew that I wanted to use humor as a main theme. When we watched the speech examples in class the ones that I really took material away from and the ones that stuck with me the longest were the ones that were funny and had humor sprinkled throughout. Other than the humor part I had no idea what I wanted my speech to be about but I knew that I needed to stick with a common theme throughout or it would be a mess. Once I had the reoccurring dream aboutRead MoreGraduation Speech : My Life After High School907 Words   |  4 PagesWhen my high school graduation came around in the year of 2013 I was not sure what would be the next step in life after high school. I was undecided whether I would go to college. I didn t feel I was college material since I honestly did not do that well my last couple years of high school. I figured I would just learn to paint cars like my dad. I was working for my dad during that same summer after I graduated and I completely changed my mind on college. Going home in dust and grime everydayRead MoreAn Example of a Graduation Speech653 Words   |  3 PagesAttention Grabbing Step: After years of writing papers, doing homework, taking an occasional pop quiz, and of course taking countless exams, it is that time that we all anticipate†¦Graduation! Purpose Statement: Since the majority of us are seniors, and graduation is a little less than a month away, I am going to provide you with some historical background information and some fun facts about graduation in order to make the occasion even more meaningful than it already is. Road Map: Most ofRead MoreCareer And College Research Paper885 Words   |  4 Pagesclients who have had a crime committed against them. I chose this career because being a lawyer, especially a criminal prosecutor, requires laying out facts in a clear and concise manner, as well as verbally framing evidence in such a way as to support my client and convict the defendant, and elucidate upon the case itself. It is important to understand and be able to fulfill the education requirements, skills needed, salary and benefits offered, and the duties performed when choosing a career. Lawyers

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Scholarship Essay Free Essays

For the longest time, I displayed an interest in the educative arts. It has always been a matter of how I would be able to succeed in my goal that would put the complete cherry on top. To obtain a scholarship of such quantity would open up so many doors for me that it would not be difficult in the slightest to find a way to pay my way through college. We will write a custom essay sample on Scholarship Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now There are several reasons why I would be an ideal candidate for this scholarship opportunity, so let me delve into the many aspects that will show why I deserve this opportunity to aid me in completion of my present and future goals. It has not been too much of a struggle to work long, laborious hours and also pay for my education, while learning and absorbing as much knowledge as I could. This is true because I have displayed qualities such as responsibility and perseverance that consume my personality. However, these qualities are still present. I have adapted myself to these conditions to allow me to keep working at my goal without giving up. However, if I had a scholarship to appease my needs, I would definitely be able to focus on my education even more than I already do. The one thing that would be on my mind would be learning, which in the end is the most important thing. I have harvested a determination for this program that may be quite unbelievable. To teach and educate others is nothing less of a dream, in my view. To be honored and awarded with an aid to help me in my endeavors would not only motivate me even more, but I would make the most of it rather than treat it less than what it is. In all honesty, it is not a fact that may be denied that those who are partaking in the educative system are not paid extremely well. However, I chose this profession because I have a passion that is unimaginable. It is something that I have wanted to do for a very long time and deserve the aid to have an opportunity to make that vision come true. A scholarship should always be awarded to someone who is deserving of it. I have paved my way for my own edification and to have support to make it easier on myself would be not only a chance to focus on other important aspects of my work, but will allow my future to be clear of debt and worry. Education requires complete focus. To be educated is already an opportunity in itself, and to educate is quite a noble profession, and I would appreciate to be a part of that. In summation, I believe that I am a qualifying candidate for the scholarship from the College of Education because I display qualities such as passion and motivation that will allow me to work with the utmost concentration that will bring me face to face with success. How to cite Scholarship Essay, Essay examples Scholarship Essay Free Essays It is important to take education seriously. As a student, I feel that education is the most valuable and precious thing in life. It is also the one thing you can assure that nobody can take away from you. We will write a custom essay sample on Scholarship Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is important not to let anything become an obstacle to your education. I feel that it is important to continue my own education by attending a college where I can take my studies seriously, and receive the highest degree of education possible. Since the day I laid eyes on Northeastern University, I dreamed of attending the Business School there. Fortunately for me, I was admitted to become a member of Northeastern’s class of 2008. I will attend Northeastern University beginning Spring of 2003, with a major in Accounting. I plan to study abroad in numerous countries during my college experience, in order to expand my knowledge of different cultures, traditions and languages. I also plan to spend a semester in a foreign country participating in a Co-operative program. I believe that it is important to experience business in a foreign country, because I am a prospective business major myself, and international relations are becoming a large part of American business. Prior to college graduation, I hope to work in a major business-oriented city, such as New York or Boston, where I can put my skills to use. I have always been fascinated with big cities, because I personally enjoy a fast-paced life. Like many aspiring businesswomen, I someday hope to become the â€Å"head-honcho† of a big company. For now, however, I will take things slow, and worry about my college career. How will my college education help me to contribute to my community? Well, I believe that communication is currently the leading cause of problems within a community. In my opinion, the college experience as a whole will improve my communication skills, helping me to become more active within my own community. Also, for many areas, lack of communication is due to a language barrier within the community. Areas such as Brentwood consist of families from over 50 different countries, and with the differences between languages, it is hard for everybody to be heard. By traveling abroad and studying foreign languages, I feel that I will soon be able to contribute to improving foreign communication within my community, providing a sense of unity throughout. As you can see, I have a busy future ahead of me. I believe in the theory, â€Å"Live like there is no tomorrow,† and I certainly plan to do so. Prior to High School graduation, I hope to continue ith my success by attending my first-choice college, Northeastern University, where I will pursue a five-year Co-operative education. In order to do so, I will need financial aid, hopefully in the form of scholarships. What better a reward than money to help continue my education? I am ecstatic about learning so many new things, and being able to specialize in the areas that I enjoy most. I am anxious to see what my future holds for me, but as for now, I will keep my goals and aspirations in mind, and hope that all plays out the way I plan. How to cite Scholarship Essay, Essays